Vintage Comic Finds – Captain Atom

As a collector and trader of expensive paper we are always in search of the Holy Grail of comics… very few of us will find such and item in our lifetimes but every now and again you come across some comics which just spark your interest and these can be your own personal grails.

Recently in a comic book haul, my eyes shot over two comics in the pile which I haven’t seen in ages and in negotiating the sale, I tried to hide my excitement of the find. These comics are from 1988 which still puts them into the modern era of comics in collecting terms and officially in the “Copper Age” (1984 – 1991), but still a cool find to find these in such good condition. Remember in the early 80’s comics were a source of entertainment and regularly pawed over by you, your mates, the comic store and then traded into the book exchange for some new material or store credit. By looking at these two you can see some wear and aging to the books but by my unqualified eye, I would put these in the VF- to VF range. All are in complete condition, some minor page discoloration, spine ticking and edge blunting… but remember they are 33 years old!

Captain Atom is the precursor to the modern Doctor Manhattan from Watchmen and has disappeared from the DC Universe albeit under mysterious circumstances, but I am sure that there is something brewing in the next couple of years!

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